Sunday, January 17, 2010

Water Buffalo

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.4 Generations: The Water Buffalo Movie

T2 shot and produced "4 Generations" in 2007 when Robert Thompson was living in China. It is a story documenting a journey in southwestern China (near Tibet) to first find, then deliver a water buffalo to a poor family. The water buffalo led him to a family with an phenomenal story.

The video has reached millions, been front-paged on Digg, and was inspired and donated by author, educator, and founder of, Philip Greenspun.

Click below to watch the movie
25.Water Buffalo Movie

1 comment:

  1. Okay here I am trying to figure out how to add a link?! When I first did this and previewed I was able to bring up the movie. Now I can't.:( Still thinking, trying to find something that will teach me how to add a link. I know it is out there, somewhere...
