Sunday, January 31, 2010

Ranger Rick Joke...Ha,Ha,Ha!

Austin, you've got the rhythm!

Austin every time you play that trumpet we just want to get up and join that frog! You are the music man! Love, Mum

Taz...No Shawn

Shawn I couldn't resist! You were actually pretty excited and then you said, "Oh wait a minute not Taz!" Our little secret!:) Love, Mum

Tom and Gerry...No, Mark and Matthew!

Hey Mark and Matthew! Austin and Shawn wanted to name you guys after their favorite cartoon characters! What do you think? I know you both wanted to be Gerry, poor Tom. I told your brothers we couldn't name you after them because they are always fighting! Priscilla liked the names Mark and Matthew and when we told her she brought over a bag of M&M's. The sweet little chocolate treat! That's just what you are...most of the time!:) Love you, Mum

Saturday, January 30, 2010

To The Moon! In a Tea Bag!! Austin wanted to check this out. We found it under science experiments. We have made a couple of different kinds of rockets but not the tea bag...yet!

Hover Shoes

The verdict is still out on this one! The boys think this really could happen, their father thinks someone tis holding him up there, "Just look at his pants!" What do you think?

What can you do?

We all laughed when the cell phone rang and and the boys chuckled throughout. They thought it was pretty cool that kids made this and they were going to turn off all the lights to help out.:)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Potatoes and P.E.I.

We had a hard time finding someone to help through Kiva. We found Nizomov Saidahmad he sells produce and the picture had him surrounded by potatoes. My cousin lives on P.E.I. and he was a potato farmer. He grew organic red potatoes and due to a blight he lost his crop. After many years of struggling to make a living he lost most of his land. Farming is a very hard and difficult life. My cousin now drives a ten wheeler and still lives in P.E.I. I hope Nizomov is successful.

Found Someone....Nizomov Saidahmad from Shahrituz, Tajikstan

About the LoanLocation: Shahrituz, Tajikistan Repayment Term: 14 months
(more info)
Activity: Fruits & Vegetables Repayment Schedule: Monthly
Loan Use: To increase the range of vegetables he sells Currency Exchange Loss: Covered
Default Protection: Covered
Nizomov Saidahmad is 25 years old, is married, and has one child.

For more than five years Saidahmad has been selling vegetables such as potatoes, onion, carrots, etc. His business begins early in the morning at 5:00 a.m.

Saidahmad buys vegetables from the local farmers wholesale and sells them in the market. Moreover, he is trading in a market that is known among people because of the attractive prices. All this allows Saidahmad’s business to generate a stable and considerable income for his family.

Today, Saidahmad is planning to purchase new, fresh vegetables to sell in order to increase the range of his goods. With this purpose in mind he requests 6,000 Somoni.

Having a positive credit history with IMON, Saidahmad promises to repay the current loan promptly as he did the previous time. The well-being of this family is in your hands.

More about Tajikistan and IMON International
Tajikistan is known for its rich history, which includes a key post along the Silk Road and the end of Alexander the Great's rule. It has also produced great thinkers, philosophers, scientists and poets, including Rudaki, Avicenna, Ferdowsi, Omar Khayyam, Jomi, and Rumi. The country is home to communities that still speak the ancient Sogdian language, epic mountain passes, and a civilization that dates back to the 4th millennium B.C. And, even today, it is a complex mixture of the Islamic faith, Soviet culture, New West culture and Central Asian traditions.

But Tajikistan is also the poorest of the former Soviet republics. The civil war, which ignited soon after its independence from the U.S.S.R., further damaged the already weak economy. In addition, 93% of the country is mountainous and only 7% of the land is arable. These conditions have resulted in high levels of unemployment and have forced hundreds of thousands to seek work in other countries, mainly Russia. While the people of Tajikistan are working to improve its agricultural production and manufacturing sector, nearly two-thirds of the population still live in abject poverty.

IMON's History
Since December 2007, IMON International has worked closely with Kiva and Kiva lenders to ensure that poor and low income clients represent a viable business proposition. Funds raised through Kiva have already been distributed to thousands of IMON International's clients and will continue to provide thousands more with permanent access to the varied financial services they need. To learn more about IMON International's work, please visit:


Sunday, January 24, 2010

"How about this one?" "Never mind GONE!"

This has not been easy! Trying to get our family to agree on where we should make a Kiva pledge is not an easy task! By the time we read about the candidate and decide to pledge "Fully Funded" comes up and we are back to square one! Mark wants a water buffalo, Matthew wants animals Shawn would like a builder I must say someone was looking for morning glory seeds and that is where I would of pledged. Robbie and Austin are easy, "Whatever you choose." I am going to make the choice because when I came on tonight there wasn't anyone! I am going to see who is out there and pledge to the first person, QUICKLY!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Whoops! There it goes!

I was looking at some of the people requesting loans through Kiva and three that I thought would be a good match were fully funded while I was reading about them! We will have to look together and be prepared to act quickly!

Kiva...Can't wait to get started!

A Fistful Of Dollars: The Story of a Loan from Kieran Ball on Vimeo.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Deciding what to do next...

We just finished watching the Water buffalo Movie. I told my children that we could do something to assist a person or family that needs a little help. We had mixed emotions. Matthew, 6 years old, immediately said,"No". I asked him why and he said, "It is too far away and it will take too long to get there". I told him we do it all right here through the computer and he is now on board. Mark, also 6 years old, thought it was really nice and "Where are we going to find a water buffalo"? I told him we could choose something different to contribute to. Shawn, 9 years old, thought it would be a good idea but, "How much does it cost"? We will look into that. Austin, 12 years old, didn't know what to say. He thought it would be a good idea but he doesn't know. We will do some research together and find someone to help. Mark and Matthew are ready to pack up some of their beanie babies to children that don't have any. It was an eye opener for them, and I am grateful they want to help.

Water Buffalo

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.4 Generations: The Water Buffalo Movie

T2 shot and produced "4 Generations" in 2007 when Robert Thompson was living in China. It is a story documenting a journey in southwestern China (near Tibet) to first find, then deliver a water buffalo to a poor family. The water buffalo led him to a family with an phenomenal story.

The video has reached millions, been front-paged on Digg, and was inspired and donated by author, educator, and founder of, Philip Greenspun.

Click below to watch the movie
25.Water Buffalo Movie


Animotos and Wordles are wonderful tools and my children have enjoyed making them. The class was introduced to Kiva earlier during this course. I believe a classroom was trying to choose a cause to invest some of their money. I thought that was a wonderful way to help someone and to also help the students become more aware of the value of money. Tonight we watched the Water Buffalo Movie and Dennis told us how he gave Kiva gift certificates to his family for Christmas. That inspired me to have our family invest together in Kiva. We always tell our children if they are ever in a position to help someone they should. So we are going to help!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I wanted to try something before I called it a night! I found you!! Now maybe there is hope for the "Lost Wiki"!! Love,Me

Austin, where did your Wordle go?!:{

I was trying to post a comment to you about how much I learned from you when you were making your Wordle,and I lost everything! I am very sorry! I did the same thing to My wiki, wiped the whole thing out with the touch of a button!:{ Somewhere out there your Wordle and my Wiki are Whooping it up! Maybe we can find it or at least make another one, your name is still in the list of posts. I will help you or maybe you can help me! Love,Mum

"Beautiful World"

"Clammy" Piccirilli's Animoto

Monday, January 4, 2010

Wordles with the boys!

The Pic-Pac boys enjoyed making their wordles. I had to make another one because after watching my oldest son I learned so much more! He was customizing his colors and background so I showed his brothers and each one added their own personal touches!:) I am going to have the boys comment on the wordles and maybe vote for our favorite! Animoto comes next!


title="Wordle: Laura-Again!"> src=""
alt="Wordle: Laura-Again!"
style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd">


title="Wordle: Robert"> src=""
alt="Wordle: Robert"
style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd">

Sunday, January 3, 2010


title="Wordle: Shawn">src=""
alt="Wordle: Shawn"
style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd">
Hey Shawn, I love your Wordle! I know why you chose that "font", you like handwriting better than printing! Oh and I guess I should be calling you by your new nickname, "Mackerel Man"!:) Love, Mum


title="Wordle: Mark"> src=""
alt="Wordle: Mark"
style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd">


title="Wordle: Matthew"> src=""
alt="Wordle: Matthew"
style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd">


<span class=Wordle: Austin" src="">Austin, After watching you make your Wordle I learned so much! I didn't know you could customize your background, text and the other options available! When I was helping your brothers we followed your lead and made even more discoveries!:) Mark wanted all yellow and as you can see by his we did it! When they were all done I had to make a new one because my first was a little pitiful! Thanks for the insight, I am sure I will be learning more from you guys! Love, Mum