Friday, December 4, 2009

Family Fun Family Blog

I was reading the November issue of Family Fun magizine and there was an article about a family that "blogs" to one another. This was a young family and I must confess I was unable to read the whole article. However I thought this is a great way to let everyone know about something special that happened to them to them that day. At the dinner table every night we go around asking everyone what was the best part and worst part of their day. Sometimes we aren't able to eat as a family so it would be nice if we had a Family Blogspot to leave our comments. My boys love the computer so I know they would enjoy doing this! I am going to get all the information so I can add it to this blog.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

LauraP wikipage

Summary of my far!

Tonight I feel more confident about what I am doing! I have a better idea about what my learning summary and digital sharing project should consist of. I am having trouble expressing my thoughts right now. All I know is I am heading in the right direction!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Better Days To Come

I was feeling like this little kitten when I couldn't find my Blog today! I watched the tutorial and had some help and I'm back!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

LauraP-first blog

Hello! This is my very first blog! I am looking forward to entering the 21st century! I am a little overwhelmed, but I know I can get through it with a little help and a lot of practice!